I not really sure I am cut out to be a leader…!?
not ready, untrained, over your head
It’s great to be the person in-charge. But, you may not be ready to take the reigns of leadership. Yet. The way you become the leader is by leading in every situation you are involved in. The more experiences you have as a leader, the faster you develop the skills and become a leader worth following. Ron provides you the experiences that will help you become a good leader very quickly. You will soon earn respect, and see the impact and influence you can have. #everyonecanlead
Ron Rael travels around the country delivering powerful and tailored keynotes for Organizations and companies.
Specific training with your organization’s goals in mind, designed by the High Road© Institute.
The High Road© Institute offers webinar training for companies that prefer a more economical or consistent leadership support. This is a great solution for teams geographically dispersed.

The Reluctant Leader is the key to the leadership door, which is available to everyone and opens constantly. Throughout your life you will be in situations where you need to be the leader for a day, month, year, or lifetime. Therefore this book is conceived to give you the confidence to lead others whenever the door is open to you. Everyone will find themselves in a position of guiding others at least once in their lifetime. This opportunity often arises when there is a void in leadership.
ORDER NOW – $24.95
Blog Articles About Leadership
Kermit Needs Guardrails! Part 2
A few weeks ago I introduced you to Kermit who is a Case Study on why nurturing future leaders is crucial to your organization’s long-term success. Kermit Needs to Lead Kermit is your employee who you want to promote to a leadership role. However, Kermit says , “No...
Kermit Needs Guardrails! Part 1
Kermit Learns to Drive Kermit is a teen in your family approaching the age of 16. Kermit is motivated to drive because they want the feeling of independence and freedom. However, Kermit does not know how to drive and without proper training and guidance, Kermit...
Leading is Choosing Not to GROWL
Choose the Correct Time Zone Have you ever thought about time travel? You might think it is impossible, yet we all do it every day. We have available to us three time zones, just not the typical ones you know. These time zones are: 1) Yesterday, 2) Today, and 3)...
Shania’s Concern About Subtle Discrimination
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a psychological phenomenon where an individual expects that a future event will happen, and ultimately that event manifests because the individual’s resulting behavior aligns to fulfill their belief. This post explores another key...
How to Get Your Employees to Hate You (and Leave You)!
I love April Fool’s Day and even though it has passed for this year, I want to share one sort of humor that is appropriate for this special day. No one likes practical jokes and being made fun of, so I find that a great way to relieve stress in a way that gets people...
Mother Nature, Leadership, and Your Job
What an insight! They say that a hot shower can produce good ideas and clear thinking. That was true for me that morning. I am learning to appreciate the abundance in my life and as I shower, I focus my thoughts on all the people who contributed to the creation...
‘Weeds Happen’ Is a Fact of Life for A High Road® Leader™
I LOVE 💖 the sight of a beautifully managed and manicured garden. With healthy plants and colorful blooms, I can see that someone or many someone's devotes tremendous time and energy to maintain and nurture their stunning garden. I HATE 😡 however the work that...
The Great Leader Revels in Accomplishment
The moment I noticed it I felt the irony. A dragonfly resting on a dragonfly! And that is the moment I saw efficiency in motion. Let me start at the beginning… On a summer afternoon in our backyard garden, my wife and I enjoyed dinner in the warm sunshine. In...
Are You Called a Bad Leader?
“There Is No Such Thing As A Bad Kid” This is the title of a book published in 2017, and the gist is that before we label a child as “bad,” we need to dig into the causes of their disruptive behavior. What does that have to do with leadership? [I am glad you asked.]...
Every Business Wants Their Best Employees to Stay
Alison’s Story Alison believed that she had the ‘right stuff’ to be promoted into a senior leadership role. Her clients raved about her knowledge of the industry and a deep understanding of her employer’s offerings. In every performance review, her supervisor...