by Ron Rael | May 4, 2017 | Blog, High Road Leadership
A leader is a creative person: he or she sees things that don’t exist now and brings them to life. They are willing to go where no one has gone before. A great leader will set their sights on a goal with a clear understanding that making the attempt is a necessary...
by Ron Rael | Apr 6, 2017 | Blog, High Road Accountability and Ethics, High Road Cooperation and Unity
You can tell if a team has an attitude of interdependence by the following hallmarks. When your group is truly interdependent, every employee on the team adopts these attitudes and models the behavior. Every one of us can and will help any customer. We cover for the...
by Ron Rael | Jan 6, 2015 | Blog
What are your thoughts regarding New Year resolutions? Do you make them at the beginning of each year? Do you feel guilty if you don’t make them? Do you make them and then feel bad for not keeping them? Do you believe making them is a waste of time? Allow me to...
by Ron Rael | Apr 26, 2013 | High Road Leadership
In all situations where someone is in a leadership position, the primary goal was to get something accomplished while taking charge of a group of people. He or she did not ‘intend’ to be a leader. There is always a purpose behind the reason you either will become or...