by Ron Rael | Jan 6, 2015 | Blog
What are your thoughts regarding New Year resolutions? Do you make them at the beginning of each year? Do you feel guilty if you don’t make them? Do you make them and then feel bad for not keeping them? Do you believe making them is a waste of time? Allow me to...
by Ron Rael | Dec 30, 2014 | Blog, High Road Cooperation and Unity
What would your world be like if every day was Christmas? As you can imagine, we would all experience more – Sharing – Cooperation – Peace – Courtesy and kindness – Smiles and laughter – ...
by Ron Rael | Aug 6, 2014 | Blog, High Road Accountability and Ethics, High Road Leadership
What is integrity? An up and coming professional at the beginning her career recently asked this question. This is how I responded. Every leader I have met, interviewed, and worked with has a different...
by Ron Rael | Aug 6, 2013 | High Road Accountability and Ethics, High Road Leadership
“People behave exactly the way the culture teaches and reinforces them to behave.” Ron Rael, Leadership Coach Accountability Principle 1: Everyone is born without an understanding of accountability. We learn it from the people around...