We are all in the information business and we are only as good as the products we supply to our customers and clients.


Think about the last time you dined at a full-service restaurant. Recalling the person who waited on you, answer “yes” or “no” to these questions about the experience you had:

Did the employee sincerely care about your desires?

Did the food fully satisfy your need or craving?

Did the person appear enthusiastic about serving you?

Did the person sincerely desire feedback about your satisfaction?

Did the person have full authority to guarantee your satisfaction?

Did you enjoy the full dining experience?


If you answered “yes” at least four times, and if the food was as good as the service, you found a gem! Keep this place a secret or you may never get back in the door!


Now, substitute your department or group in place of the restaurant. Instead of “food” insert “information.” How many “yes” responses will your customers provide when they answer these same questions about your group’s service? Better yet, take this simple survey and give it to each of the other departments for whom you provide a service.


Accounting is a Service Business


Even though we provide a product (information) the way it is delivered is what separates an excellent finance group from a mediocre one. Just as every employee needs feedback on their performance, so does every accounting department.


Here is what you need to discover from your customers when you survey them at a minimum of every six months:


Does your team satisfy all its information needs?

Is the information your team provides timely and useful?

Does the benefit your team provides exceed its cost?

Are your employees enthusiastic about helping their clients?

Is there any customer needs that your team is not fulfilling?


After you conduct this survey, share the information with your team. Use the information to immediately make the changes necessary to improve your service to all your customers.


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Ron Rael Leadership Provocateur, is a keynote speaker, consultant, and author.

Follow Ron on Twitter: @leaderexpert

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