The Lone Wolf Can Never Lead!

The Lone Wolf Can Never Lead!

Share this article:   You will likely be placed in charge of a project, engagement, or team. If you act like a lone wolf instead of a true team leader, you will fail! Loren’s Complaint After a presentation, I was approached by a shy technologist. Loren had been...

Stick to the Plan

Wild Landing of Flight 1549 There is an outstanding story that held the attention of people for nearly a year, back in 2009. The story I am referring to is Flight 1549, the US Air jet that landed safely in the Hudson River. The February 23, 2009 issue of Newsweek...

19 Traits of High Road Leaders

Leaders are the moral center of the group or organization they lead. We most often hear about unethical leaders who don’t have a moral center or who prefer the low road.  Thankfully, there are people serving as leaders who take the high road.  How do you identify a...