by Ron Rael | Oct 8, 2021 | Blog, Culture, Employees, High Road Leadership, Leadership, Productivity, Teams, Uncategorized
Employers cannot find employees and it will get worse before it gets better. The national restaurant trade group recently announced that their industry would need 500,000 more workers just to get “business back to normal.” Where these workers will come from, no one...
by Ron Rael | Nov 30, 2012 | High Road Leadership
A senior editor from CGMA Magazine recently contacted me. He was writing an article about productivity, and I shared my thoughts with him. Here is the finished article:
by Ron Rael | May 30, 2012 | High Road Accountability and Ethics, High Road Cooperation and Unity, High Road Leadership
We hear from many sources the three oft quoted reasons why women earn less than men in comparable jobs: The person making the hiring and pay decision is usually male. Women’s contributions in the workplace tend to be undervalued. A woman is traditionally not as adept...