HRI Honors President George H. W. Bush

The world has lost a high road leader! President Bush was a man committed to finding the good in people. His often-quoted speech that extolled “1,000 points of light” reminds us that everyone has value and gifts to share.

Quite often, when he received praise for an accomplishment, he transferred the praise to his team. Listening to the people who worked for him, they consistently spoke about how he supported them and gave them the freedom to do their best.

As President, when he needed to use force to help our ally dispel an occupying army, he utilized consensus and set specific, achievable goals. And true to form, he gave the coalition the recognition for success.

While on the High Road®, President Bush made many difficult decisions even when he knew there would be a price to pay. Yet, he listened to his convictions and chose to serve the greater good.

Another trait I admired was his self-awareness and humility. He was often asked about his legacy and he would reply that this would be defined by others, and not him.

We, the High Road® Institute, honor President Bush and want to remind you that high road leaders do exist. They may not be as visible as President George H. W. Bush, yet they have a significant and positive impact. We hope you strive to take the High Road® when in service to others.

Please take a moment to give thanks for his leadership and for being a man of integrity. President Bush, you will be missed. R.I.P.

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Ron Rael Leadership Provocateur, is a keynote speaker, consultant, and author.

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