The Inner Leader

To assist each individual to discover and exploit the leader within themselves. Awakening the Leader Within: The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Ability to Influence “You are a leader, even when you don’t think you are.” The Three Keys: Key #1: Recognizing Domains of...

The High Road® of Learning

To persuade each individual that they have the courage to follow their convictions. The Road to Fruition or Perdition: Your 3 Obligations for Being Effective “Courage is the decision to live what you believe.” The three duties: Duty #1 – Know your beliefs Duty #2 –...

The Leadership Door©

To persuade each person to look for the leadership door and say yes when the opportunity arises. The Door That Opens On Its Own: 3 Traits You Need to Succeed “Everyone will find themselves in a position of guiding others at least once in their lifetime.” Trait #1 –...