I make you this promise:  

We Take the High Road® With Your Data!

With all the news about how vulnerable everyone’s personal data seems to be, I’ve been pondering about my company’s role in this.  


How can we be part of the solution? 


In whatever ways you and I are connected, I treat any information you provide us with sensitivity and discretion. This applies if you are: 

  • A client (past or present), 
  • A professional connection on LinkedIn, 
  • On our mailing list,  
  • Connected with us using any social media platform,  
  • Signing up for our blog, or  
  • Subscribing to HRI’s YouTube channel. 


I am committed, that the High Road® Institute and Brand, be ethical and transparent. 


Yes, we DO WANT to KNOW a few things about you. My interest in your data is to know the information or solutions you are seeking and not to outright sell you anything. If I know this about you, then HRI can better serve you. Of course, I would love to have you as a client or purchaser of my high-value content, but you are in control of that decision. I want any relationship you and I have, to be mutually beneficial. 


I will make our practices regarding your data as simple as possible. 

  • We don’t give out your data to anyone. 
  • We don’t sell your name to mailing lists. 
  • We secure our database of information, as best as we can. 
  • If you decide to stop being connected, we will honor that decision 100%. 
  • If you are included in a marketing drip campaign and want to end the contacts, we will honor that decision. 
  • If you buy one of our books from Amazon, they keep your information confidential, so we know nothing about you. 
  • If you attend one of my presentations, you will be asked if you would like to in stay in contact. If you decline, you will never be contacted. 
  • We have an opt-in feature when you sign up for my blog 59 ½ Seconds of Leadership. 
  • If you provide me with your business card, I will ask if you want to stay in contact. If you say no, your card will be discarded. 
  • If you visit one of HRI’s websites… 
  • Finally, if you are interviewed for a blog, or a podcast, or in a video, or for a book, you have final say on the way you are portrayed. If you chose, you can remain anonymous. 


Why am I making you this promise? 


I honor the connection we have with you, and I will do my utmost to keep our relationship straightforward. We at HRI strive each day to take the High Road in all we do. 


If you feel that my company or I have not lived up to my promises, you may contact me personally at 425-898-8072. Please let me know where we went wrong and how I can fix the situation. 


Lead On! 

Ron Rael, CEO 

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Ron Rael Leadership Provocateur, is a keynote speaker, consultant, and author.

Follow Ron on Twitter: @leaderexpert

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